August 24, 2008




Greetings to all of you!


Do you know someone who is dealing with anger?  I’m pretty certain that you do.  It (anger) is a prevalent part of our world and something that we all have been touched by.  Jesus spoke of the last days of time and said that anger and offences would abound.  “And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.”  Matthew 24:10 (KJV)  We believe that these are the last days and instead of giving in to this destructive way of living, we can find freedom and live in happiness and peace.


Anger at it’s best is a very weak position.  At it’s worst it is a destructive and hurtful way.  Anger comes when our desires and hopes are taken from us and it appears that we have become the loser.  Usually we lash out in our frustration and hurt only to find that we may have made the situation  worse.  However, when we look at anger another way, from a position of strength we find the path to freedom. 


Responding to anger from a position of strength will often resolve the issue and set a positive tone in your relationship.  There are several ways that the Bible gives us to respond to anger. I have laid them out for you in the study titled “Anger”.  Here’s one of them.  “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” Proverbs 15:1 (KJV)  If you know someone who is dealing with anger this could be a starting point for positive change.  Also, there are some lessons titled “Finding Happiness” and “A Parable of Forgiveness” that may be of benefit to you in this area. 


Thanks so much for being a part of the newsletter family.   It is an honor to have you with us.  If you enjoy it tell a friend and remember, God loves you and has already made a plan for your happiness.




Greg Wirths


Focus on Freedom


If you are receiving this newsletter as a forward you may sign up at the main site now for your free subscription!



August 18, 2008




Greetings from Focus On Freedom!


Is it possible to have more than others and still be unhappy?  Of course.  Many people in America have more than the other 5.5 billion on the planet and yet discouragement, anger and a feeling that things are bad everywhere seems to be prevalent.  However, instead of complaining maybe what we need to do is look at the true meaning of success.  Is it found in possessions, money, business ownership or maybe more toys than the other guys or gals?


What is needed  is an understanding of the true meaning and the foundation of success.  We all know that with most things in life a foundation is very important.  In marriage, personal relationships, and even financial areas.  It must be strong enough to support us when times get tough and when trouble or personal tragedy strikes.  In the study titled “Becoming Successful” I lay out the foundation of true and lasting happiness.


Solomon, a Jewish king in the history of Israel, decided to seek for the meaning of success.  He wanted to know what he could do to truly make him happy.  He amassed great wealth, built a great throne room made of gold and ivory, was involved in real estate and even had his own personal zoo.  Sound like the stuff of happiness?  He didn’t think so.  In fact, after getting to the “top” he made a startling discovery.  He found that these “things” made him depressed and even more unhappy than when he started out.  He became cynical and developed a fatalistic attitude toward life itself.  In his own words he said, “Therefore I hated life…”.  Do you know someone like this?


This story doesn’t end on a bad note though because Solomon did discover the true meaning if success.  We can learn from his discovery and save ourselves a lot of trouble.  What Solomon discovered was the key to true success and happiness.  At the end of his writing in Ecclesiastes  12:13 (KJV) Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

This may sound simple but when you look at it honestly it is absolutely true. 


Thanks so much for letting the newsletter into a part of your day.   If you enjoy it tell a friend.  Our list of subscribers keeps growing each week, and with your help it can continue.  Remember, God loves you and has already made a plan for your happiness.




Greg Wirths


Focus on Freedom


If you are receiving this newsletter as a forward you may sign up at the main site now for your free subscription!



August 11, 2008






Each week we continue to add new subscribers to the newsletter update.  A special thanks to each of you who are subscribed.  If you know someone who would benefit from it, just forward this e-mail to them with an encouragement to sign up.


Do you know someone who is in an unhappy marriage?  Maybe a wife who seems to be alone with nowhere to turn?  Or a husband who is uninterested in staying home and spends his time with the guys or a hobby?  There are many in this situation today and the good news is there is hope!  Too often this kind of marriage is common and ordinary.  The truth is that God made us (male and female) to have a happy intimate and fulfilling relationship with the person we married.  Do you believe that?


Did you know that every man has three basic needs and desires?  Can you guess them?  Be careful, chances are you’ll be wrong.  Similarly, there are three different desires that every woman has.  Alright men, try and guess them.  No it’s not a credit card, shopping spree or new clothes.  In the studies titled “Building Up Your Man” and “Building Up Your Woman” these very needs are addressed to help you find the answers to the above questions.  Take the time to go through them and maybe you’ll be surprised to find that a happy marriage is a very real possibility.


Thanks so much for letting the newsletter into a part of your day.   OH, you might be interested in the new BOOK section of this site.  We are starting out with two books in the Bible Study area.  Remember, God loves you and has already made a plan for your happiness.




Greg Wirths


Focus on Freedom


If you are receiving this newsletter as a forward you may sign up now for your free subscription!



August 4, 2008




He was only hours old as the happy couple admired their newborn son.  He was their second child and with much joy they thanked God for this newest addition to their family.  Their joy was shattered however – at least temporarily—as they listened to the attending physician.  There seemed to be a problem.  The muscles in one of his arms was completely severed.  The doctor gave them no hope.  Incurable was the word he used, “His arm will shrivel and he will never have use of it all the rest of his life.”  To say the least, they were completely devastated.  This was not the end of the story, but only the beginning.


Are you or someone you know sick?  When chronic sickness comes it brings fear, doubt, loneliness and a host of other feelings.  We often ask, “Does God heal sick people?”  “Does he intervene in the affairs of men?”  The answers to these and other questions can be found in a study on this very subject entitled, “Chronic Sickness”.  This lesson brings insight and understanding of the will of God in this area.  If you or a friend are battling with sickness there is a place you can turn to.  The great physician is Jesus Christ!  The Bible records many healings by the hand of the master healer and stories of his sustaining power to go through sickness and pain.  Either way there is victory!  Oh yes, back to the story. 


After much prayer and faith, while looking on at their newborn child, they noticed that he suddenly moved the afflicted arm.  Not wanting to be disappointed the father thought, “It must be a muscle spasm”.  As they continued to look at their baby boy his arm moved again in the other direction!  They took him to the physician and after examination he was found to be totally healed!  To God be the glory!  To this day Nathan is a healthy man with two healthy arms.  If you have a need we would like to join with you in prayer about it.  There’s no telling what God can do if you believe!  Just leave us a prayer request at .


Thanks so much for being a part of the newsletter.  Our list of subscribers is growing weekly and we want to see it continue.  Let your friends know about us, I believe it will be a help to them.  All you have to do is forward this newsletter to them.  Till next time, May God bless and keep you in his love.




Greg Wirths


Focus on Freedom


If you are receiving this newsletter as a forward you may sign up now for your free subscription!